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Feedback From Clients

From a Counseling Client:

"The best gift I have even given to myself was starting therapy with Amirah. When we first met, I was carrying a diagnosis of “major depressive disorder” that felt very daunting and discouraging.


Right away she helped me unpack previous symptoms of anxiety and depression and uncover old traumas that were triggering them. She helped me heal the darkest corners of my soul without labeling me or causing me shame. Each session felt like a victory, a process of becoming and reconnecting with my truest self. Amirah is a remarkably talented therapist, with a unique style, that helped my feel calmer and more intuitive week by week.


Amirah has helped me find a sense of ease that I have been missing for many years and for that I am forever grateful. Simply entering her office felt like a giant exhale. I cannot recommend her more highly and feel so lucky that I had the privilege to work with her!"

From a Mother's Group Member:

"You gals know that elusive “tribe” many of us are seeking? This can be it for you! 

I am in one of Amirah’s Mother’s Groups. It has been a LIFE changing experience. The women in my group are my sisters now. We have shared deeply, nourished each other and ourselves and connected in ways I feel are so difficult to do in this phase of life.

Amirah facilitates these groups in a safe and loving and HEALING space. I can’t emphasize enough how wonderful this group has been and how much I want every mother I meet to experience what we have. 

If you can, please give it a try. It has filled me up and rebirthed me, guided me on my journey, and created deep and fulfilling friendships. I had no idea how desperately I needed this group until I fell into it. 

I honestly could go on and on..."

~Christine Daoust

From a Counseling Client:

"Amirah is an incredible counselor and facilitator and I am so thankful that I found her. I love the way she brings compassion, mindfulness, and presence into her practice. She creates a space where I feel truly seen, heard, and accepted, which has helped me to see, hear, and accept myself. She has lead me through practices that allow and support me in finding my own medicine. Medicine all the more powerful because it is from me and for me. And by showing me how to find my own medicine, she has empowered me to bring healing to all aspects of my life and relationships."


~Jennifer Kyle

From a Workshop Participant:

"I was profoundly touched and moved by this workshop in layers. So many layers. I'll just peel 'em back one by one.


First layer: I am inspired by the very existence of this workshop. The intention to create a safe, nurturing, and healing experience for mothers is just so beautiful. So pure. So profound. That this is your response to your own mothering experiences is humbling. I also recognize that it is vulnerable to lead something, to open yourself up to the awkwardness of no one coming. Thank you for taking this chance.


Second layer: The preparation and intention that went into this workshop was seen and felt. Fresh flowers and herbs for the cleansing ceremony and altar, beautiful dishes for the same ceremony, the very ceremony itself, and the beautiful exercises and words you prepared, which flowed so naturally. All this before we even walked in the room.


Third layer: It was a treat to see you lead the workshop as a pair. Two leaders adds an extra dimension, texture, that one individual cannot create. The way you interwove your voices during recitations, the way you, together, moved us through the activities of the workshop, the way you simply added texture to each other's voices while simultaneously giving each other space. What came through was companionship, relationship, and it invited us in with you.


Fourth layer: The women who came to participate showed the fuck up. As they shared, my eyes were opened to their sheer bravery, power, strength, and responsibility. What warriors. What love warriors. I am humbled. This workshop provided an environment where we could *see* each other. The flow was open enough to allow the ceremony and activities fade to the background, supporting so that understanding and connection could take center stage.


Fifth layer: A simple thank you for heeding the silent and wordless, putting aside word- and visual-dominant activities, and dedicating so much time to dancing. It. Is. So. Hard. To. Stop. Talking!


Sixth layer: My own internal experience with this workshop was profound. I was led into this inner journey of facing my shadow (critical inner voice), seeing how she acts toward me and wounds me, demanding that she disarm herself, seeing her for her true self, seeing her true pain when all her retribution is stripped, and feeling true compassion for her - in fact seeing that she and I are the same (full circle?). It was an incredible journey (one that I am still on), and the flow of the workshop, along with the 3 hour block, allowed me to really dive down deep.


And money. I realize my own bias in that I am already totally sold on the fundamental value in what this work represents and I cannot think of a more valuable way to spend my money both in terms of value in my own development and value in supporting such a vital resource for our community. I also realize that there is an inverse relationship between cost and number of women. But, that being said... I gladly would have paid more. The experience was worth more in terms of $$. 


I am trying to think of helpful, critical feedback but I honestly just was not in a critical space at all during the workshop, and can’t find such a space now.


As it is, all I have are these words and my heartfelt, wordless gratitude to give back.


Thank you, Jamie and Amirah. Thank you."


© 2016 by Amirah David

Amirah David, MA, LPC, PMH-C

Licensed Professional Counselor


300 E Hersey St. #6B, Ashland, OR 97520


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